

Term: 2015-16 Summer


Dr. Victoria Neagoe
Email address is hidden, click here to email

Courses currently teaching:

MAT 234 Finite Mathematics

MAT 136 Precalculus

MAT 298 Calculus I


Office Hours:

Monday:         10:30-11:15             4:30-5:30 (evening session I)

Tuesday:        12:30-1:30

Wednesday:    10:30-11:15             2:00-2:30

Thursday:       12:30-1:30

Additional office hours available by appointment and online


Sat, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (5/16/2016 - 7/2/2016) Location: M FC 27


This course is designed to improve the quantitative skills of students starting the MBA program. The course also introduces students to essential topics in ethics, law, management, and marketing. The course covers mathematical functions, system of equations, differential calculus, multivariate functions, descriptive statistics, and utilizes case studies which include key elements of ethics, law, management, and marketing. The course emphasizes the use of business applications in each topic.

This course, along with Financial Management Foundations (FIN 599), is designed for students who do not have a prior degree in business or a business-related major. This course also acts as a refresher in the topics mentioned above, for students who have had a significant break (10 years or more) in their education.